Checklist Update: 2018 Allen & Ginter X

2017 Allen & Ginter X
2017 Allen & Ginter X

Checklist Update

Set: 2018 Allen & Ginter X

Total Cards: 4

Full Checklist




It’s back!  The online only edition of my favorite set has returned for the second year.  A much smaller set than the traditional set with just a base with a black background, and three mini parallels (black, red, and silver.  No inclination of what the numbers of the parallels are going to be but if it’s anything like last year the red will be /5 and the silver will be /1.

There is also a framed mini auto set that Larkin is now in (finally!).

Short but sweet, but a very interesting set and I encourage you all to go after.

Happy Collecting!